Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
 Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmath Ullahi Wa Barkatahu

I Am From Saudi Arabia And I Am A Student Of B.Com. 
My Question is ; There is A Masjid Near My House. Its Toilets Are Facing The Holy Ka’bah. 
So Please inform Me, is This Right Or Wrong in Islam? 
I Am Very Thankful Of You For This Kind Favour. Jazakumullah.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Allah, the Almighty states in the Holy Quran:
ذَٰلِكَ وَمَن يُعَظِّمْ شَعَائِرَ اللَّهِ فَإِنَّهَا مِن تَقْوَى الْقُلُوبِ
That [is so]. And whoever Honours The Symbols Of Allah - indeed, it is From The Piety Of Hearts. (22:32)

And the Prophet S.A.W  Has Stated:

عن ابي هريرة قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: إنما أنا لكم بمنزلة الوالد أعلمكم فإذا أتى أحدكم الغائط فلا يستقبل القبلة ولا يستدبرها ولا يستطب بيمينه
(سنن أبي داود - كتاب الطهارة - باب كراهية استقبال القبلة عند قضاء الحاجة)

Abu Hurairah r.a says that the messenger of Allah salallahu alayhi wasallam said: “I am for you, how a father is for his son. I teach you. So whenever one of you goes to the toilet, he should not face the qibla or face his back towards it, and he should not use his right hand to clean himself (istinja).”
(Abu Dawud)

“Abu Ayyub said: When we came to Syria we found that their toilets were built facing Qiblah. So we used to deviate while using them and used to ask Allah forgiveness for that.”
(Abu Dawud)

It is clear from the above Hadith that one should not face the actual Qibla whilst relieving oneself. If the toilet is built in such a manner that it is facing the actual Qibla, one should simply adjust the way he sits and try to ensure he doesn’t face the actual Qibla.

و يكره تحريما: استقبال القبلة و استدبارها, و لو في البنيان
(نور الايضاح)

“And it is prohibitively disliked to face the actual Qibla or to face ones back towards it, even if one is in a building.”

One should keep in mind that there is a difference between the exact Qibla and the direction of the Qibla. Facing the exact Qibla is prohibitively disliked. Not the direction of it.

However, when one is praying his salah, one generally faces the ‘direction’ of the Qibla, not the exact Qibla. Since we pray our salah in the direction of the Qibla, we should also avoid facing the direction of the qibla or showing our back to it whilst we are relieving ourselves. Then, the question arises “what will be regarded as the ‘direction’ of the Qibla?”

Hazrat Mufti Rashid Ahmed Saheb r.a elaborates about the maximum degrees that will be counted in the ‘direction’ of the Qibla in Ahsanul Fatawa, Vol: 2, pg; 313

“Facing up to 45 degrees away from the Qibla either way will not nullify ones salah. If it is more than this, then the salah will be nullified.”

If one is not in front of the Ka’bah or cannot see the Ka’ba, 45 degrees either side will be permissible to face. 
And Allah Subhana Wa Talah Knows Best




Vander Hoven, 
A Psychologist From Netherlands,
 Announced His New Discovery About The Effect Of Reading The Qur'aan And Repeating The Word 
ALLAH Both On Patients And On Normal Persons.

 The Dutch Professor Confirms His Discovery With Studies And Research Applied On Many Patients Over A Period Of Three Years. 

Some Of His Patients Were Non-Muslims,
 Others Do Not Speak Arabic And Were Trained To Pronounce The Word
  "ALLAH"  Clearly ; 

The Result Was Great, 

Particularly On Those Who Suffer From Dejection And Tension. 

Al Watan, A Saudi Daily Reported That The Psychologist Was Quoted To Say That Muslims Who Can Read Arabic And Who Read The Quran Regularly Could Protect Themselves From Psychological Diseases.        

The Psychologist Explained How Each Letter in The Word "ALLAH " 

 Affects Healing Of Psychological Diseases.
 He Pointed Out in His Research That Pronouncing The First Letter in The Word
Which is The Letter  
( A ),
 Released From The Respiratory System,
 Controls Breathing. 
He Added That Pronouncing The Velar consonant
L ) in The Arabic Way, 
With The Tongue Touching Slightly The Upper Part Of The Jaw Producing A Short Pause And Then Repeating The Same Pause Constantly,
 Relaxes The Aspiration.        

Also, Pronouncing The Last Letter Which is The Letter (H)
 Makes A Contact Between The Lungs And The Heart And in Turn This Contact Controls The Heartbeat.

 What is Exciting in The Study is That This Psychologist is A Non-Muslim,
 But interested in Islamic Sciences And Searching For The Secrets Of The Holy Quran. 
The Great And Glorious, 
Says, We Will Show Them Our Signs in The Universe And in Their Own Selves,
 Until it Becomes Manifest To 
( Remember Me in Ur Dua).

 ALLAHU AKBAR Allah is Great.

Allah Keeps Me Going Day And Night. 
Allah, I Am No One. 

But With 
Allah, I Can Do Everything. 

Allah is My Strength.

 This is A Simple Test

 If You Love
 Allah And You Are Not Ashamed Of All The Great Things That He Has Done For You, 

Send This To Everyone You Know, 
Allah Help U To Succeed...Ameen        

During The Next 60 Seconds,
 Stop Whatever You Are Doing,
 And Take This Opportunity. 
(Literally it is only 1 Minute) 
All You Have To Do is The Following : 
 You Simply Say 
"A Prayer" For 
The Person Who Sent You This Message. 

Allah Said, " If You Are Ashamed Of Me, 
I Will Be Ashamed Of You."  
If You Are Not Ashamed, 
Send This Message...Only if You Believe. 
" Yes, I Love Allah. 
Allah is My Fountain Of Life And My Savior. 
Remember Me In Ur Dua

Zindgi Bakhnay Wali Chees (Surah Al Anfal, Ayat 24)